Private class for Large Pipeline Operating Company
February 19, 2016
On February 11th and 12th, Tom Miesner taught a customized class for the Project Controls Group for a large pipeline operator.
The class was 1.5 days and included the following topics:
- Introduction to Midstream
- Equipment and Components
- Field Operations
- Integrity 1 – What Causes Releases
- Central Control Room Operations
- Regulations
- SCADA and Controls
- Integrity 2 – Preventing Releases
- Pipeline Construction
- Facility Construction
- Pipeline Economics
Comments from class particpants included the following:
- Very helpful and consice overview and introduction.
- Very interesting section. Great pictures to explain different potential problems in pipelines.
- Great explanation of regulatory bodies. I liked the summary at the end also as it pulls it all together.
- Good video and screen shots helped explain what the controllers do.
- Great overview of the industry. Really liked the visuals and different topics.
- A lot of good information and the pictures were helpful.
- I really enjoyed the tables on the different valves and pumps - it was very helpful.
- Hugh perspective benefits from this section - about Field Operations.
- Great summary of economics in the pipeline business.
- Great HDD video.
- This was one of the main topics I wanted to cover (Construction). Good coverage in my opinion.
- Videos were good to watch to build understanding.
- Ver relevant to the economic climate today.
- Short and sweet with just the right amount of detail - about Facility Construction.
- Great intro to integrity. These sections have been among my favorite.
- Favorite section. Ties together other sections. Extremely useful/helpful - about Pipeline Construction.