Description: This lesson provides training consistent with the generic requirements of Control Room Management contained in 195.446 (b) Roles and Responsibilities under normal, abnormal, and emergency operations and the team training required in 195.446 (h)(6). The lesson also introduces a method for using exercises to teach and improve operational collaboration in a manner consistent with API RP 1123 as required by 195.446 (h)(6).
Cost: $145 After you send in your registration an invoice will be sent which can be paid with a credit card via the secure Square site. Several days after that you will receive an invitation from Webex containing a link to the meeting and confirming the date.
Click here to register for class
Learning Objectives
- Identify the key Control Room Management (CRM) requirements for training around roles, responsibilities, team training,
- Explain the definitions of roles, responsibilities, authorities and tasks.
- Explain the regulatory requirements for team training.
- Explain the regulatory requirements for improving operational collaboration.
- Identify the 4 C’s of teamwork and explain what each one is.
- Explain how the caution phrase yes and can replace the stop phrase of but.
- Explain how gender, culture, age, and personality traits can get in the way of teamwork.
- Explain ways in which they can change culture to foster improved teamwork.
- Identify one way they can better communicate.
Lesson Outline
- Learning objectives
- Control Room Management (CRM) Requirements
- Role, responsibility, and authority (generic part)
- Teamwork training
- Teams – we are who we are unless we change
- Teamwork is not unique to the pipeline industry
- The 4 C’s of Teamwork from a generic perspective
- Communication – common language and approach
- Cooperation – working together
- Collaboration – improving together
- Culture – enabling teamwork
- Your role in the team – you can make a difference
- What’s next - Improving real time collaboration and teamwork
- 62 Power Point slides presented by the instructor via the Webex platform.
- A portion of this class is taught via pre-recorded video.
- Q & A after each slide.
- Limited to 12 students.
- Oil pipeline controllers
- Other oil pipeline control room personnel
- Field operations personnel
- Others who work with controllers
- Others who want to improve their knowledge of team skills.
For more information
- +1-281-467-3200