This lesson begins with a review of the hydraulic tools explained in Oil Pipeline Hydraulics and Hydraulic Tools. From there students review line operations by following 3 batches of crude oil down an actual line and discuss where each crude oil is, how they can tell, and potential operating problems and solutions. The lesson concludes with a line optimization case study.
Learning Objectives
Combine the systems resistance curve and pump curve graphs and explain how and why they show the operating point of the line.
Describe how control valves and variable speed drives are used to control flow.
Combine the systems profile and hydraulic gradient and explain:
What the distance between the profile and gradient shows
What happens when the hydraulic gradient falls below the system profile
Explain how to convert from psi to feet of head.
Explain why controlling pressure is the key to controlling rate.
Describe how the hydraulic gradient changes when the viscosity changes.
Describe how the hydraulic gradient changes when the rate changes.
Explain how to identify gravity changes in hydraulic profiles.
Describe column separation, what cause it and why it can be dangerous.
Discuss your key learnings from this lesson.
Lesson Outline
Learning objectives
Review of hydraulic tools
Hydraulic gradients and profiles
Line hydraulics with batching
Line optimization
Learning objectives
- Oil pipeline controllers
- Other oil pipeline control room personnel
- Field operations personnel
- Others who work with controllers
- Others who want to understand more about oil pipeline hydraulics.
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