
The lesson provides a detailed explanation, complete with forms and examples, of how pipeline companies can use the concepts of API RP 1123 and continuous improvement by conducting after action reviews of existing exercises to teach and improve operational collaboration as required by 195.446 (h)(6). 

Learning Objectives

  • Explain why adopting the recommendations of this lesson meets the regulatory requirements.

  • Explain what an exercise is and how they aid in learning.

  • Identify the 4 C’s of teamwork and explain what each one is.

  • Identify and explain the 5 elements of changing behavior.

  • Identify the four elements of API 1173 that apply to teamwork.

  • Identify the 4 steps of the continuous improvement cycle.

  • Identify and explain the 5 steps for after action reviews.

  • Explain how after-action reviews are conducted.

  • Explain their roles and responsibilities in improving teamwork.

  • Explain how they will use the tools provided to improve teamwork.

Lesson Outline

  • Learning objectives

  • Team training requirements – operational collaboration

  • Review of the 4 C’s of Teamwork from a generic perspective.

  • Communication

  • Cooperation

  • Collaboration

  • Culture

  • Continually improving your operational collaboration.

  • Building your team training program.

  • Using After Action Reviews of your exercises.

  • Always keep learning and improving.


  • Oil pipeline controllers

  • Other oil pipeline control room personnel

  • Field operations personnel

  • Others who work with controllers

  • Others who want to improve their knowledge of team skills.

For more information

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