February 27th and 28th Class
March 2, 2014
February 27th and 28th PKD taught Oil and Gas Pipeline Fundamentals and Energy Pipelines for NonTechnical Professionals in Houston. Student comments included the following:
- Great Overview - about Energy Pipelines module
- Great info on gauging, etc - about Field Operations module
- Very information and useful! In can see how the previous section fits in to this one. - about Field Operations module
- Best section - Focused and flowed well between topics. Videos were great. - about Pipeline Integrity module
- Great derails on displays and interfaces. - about scada module
- Great videos. I got a good picture of construction process and defects that could result. - about Construction module
- The charts here were helpful. - about Hydraulics module
- Great section - I enjoyed the MLP stuff and the explaination of operating costs especially. - about Economics module
- Diagrams were very helpful to understandint process flow. - about Control Room Operations module
- Great, Great day. Awesome content and great explainations and presentations.
- Very informative. Thanks for the great class.
- I would recomment this class to anyone we hire that needs a through overview of pipeline operations.